
Snap Crackle Drop - Bombs Away

So Halloween was not what I expected. A few kids showed up for some free candy, my neighbor fired up his chain saw a few times, and I twisted my back while lifting the bowl of candy. There was a small twinge and a small crack of the spine and it seemed pretty innocent. I decided to take the old fashioned ... "walk it off" gameplan and didnt think much of it. After about an hour of walking it off and passing out more candy I finally had to lay down. This is where things started to get interesting. The small twinge had found the perfect place to pinch the nerve in my lower back and cause me to wince and groan while muttering a few expletives. A sound sleep for the evening was not going to happen. About an hour into my tossing and turning on the bed and I realized that nature was calling me to the bathroom.

Have you ever tried to literally crawl out of bed with a pinched nerve in your back and tried to hold your bladder until you could hoist yourself over the porcelain ? The back pain was bad enough that I seriously considered just letting the bladder go and dealing with the wetness issue later. But I did not give up the fight as I crawled in agony to the bathroom and eventually took my position of relief above the pot. The adventure back to the bed was not as threatening but still caused for a lot of teeth gritting and a few verbal "f-bombs" dropped along the way. Might I add that there were "s-bombs" as well. It went something like this .....
"f-bomb, s-bomb, f-bomb, f-bomb, f-bomb ...... s-bomb, f-bomb, holy s-bomb that f-bomb hurts like a mother f-bomber. Repeat that phrase like 8 or 9 times and you get the idea of what my Halloween night was like.

I made it to work on Monday and walked around all day like Bill Buckner hobbling down the baseline. On Tuesday I was still walking like I had a corn cobb jammed up my arse but the pinched nerve pain was gone.
Today I feel better but an occassional twinge every 30 minutes or so is a small reminder that the nerve in my back is truly in charge of my destiny. At any second the nerve can send you to your knees and have you contemplating your serenade of f-bombs.

Next year my wife can pass out the Halloween candy and I will drink Martinis.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I missed this when you published it....I'm still laughing.
