
Protect Your Happy Dome

Some experts claim that it is easier to illustrate a concept or idea more completely by using diagrams and pictures than the use of words alone. In an effort to support scientific advancements and intellectual commentary I wholeheartedly support the use of diagrams, symbols, and visual linkages as a tool in communicating through this website. The first theme to be conveyed is the repsonsibility that a person has to
" Protect Your Happy Dome ".

The "Fun Haters" are an evil group of pirate like entities that surround us in our daily lives. They love nothing better than to ruin your party, piss in your cheerios, or rob you of your rights to fun and enjoyment. They think that everything must be completely void of anything fun. In their world there is no sunshine. There is no
laughter. There is nothing fun about work or people, and no episodes of Seinfeld. They have one purpose only and that is to enter your Happy Dome and infect it with their poisonous venom of doom.

Do not be afraid of the fun haters as they cannot penetrate the walls of your Happy Dome without your permission. It is your obligation to act as the gatekeeper that guards your inner sanctum. You must watch at all times and turn away the fun haters at each and every opportunity. Their only chance at survival is to gain entry into the Happy Dome where they will gradually pick away at your beliefs, your happiness, and your

Happy Halloween to all of you as you defend your Happy Dome of Life.

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