
Police Line-Up ?

The White Horse Tavern is a local bar just down the street from my house. The building is small and probably holds 50 - 75 people at total capacity. The bar owner runs a fairly decent operation and draws a loyal local crowd that lives within walking (stumbling) distance of the bar. He also supplements his alcohol sales by selling melons, flowers, pumpkins, frog legs, and other miscellaneous items out in an area in the front parking lot. There is nothing fancy about the decor and it looks like the walls are made of white cinder blocks. When smoking was still allowed inside the bar you could drive by on a clear night and see inside the front door. There was always a cloudy mist hovering above the bar and out through the front doorway.
The days of smoking in the bar are now over but most of the loyal patrons that smoke still find a way to spend some time at the White Horse. Now they must stand outside along the side of the building in the parking lot to smoke their cigarettes.
The other night I was driving by the bar and there were about 6 smokers standing next to the building and the white cinder block wall. They all were standing looking straight ahead and staring off into the neighborhood as they smoked .... and then in one fluid motion they all turned to the right and faced the western sky. It looked exactly like a Police line-up where the Officer says " face forward, face to the right, face to the left ...Do any of these men look like your assailant ?" It was perfect for the Moline PD. All they had to do was drive by the tavern when the smokers were against the wall in position for a quick review and make a match to any suspects that were on the lamb. I wonder if anyone would notice if I put hash marks on the wall to mark the 5' and 6' marks for better identification purposes. I will do whatever it takes to support our local Police Department in keeping the neighborhood safe from purse snatchers, and evil doers.


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